IPL Laser Treatment for Pigmentation


What is IPL treatment for pigmentation removal?

Skin pigmentation is a common skin concern which is caused by extra production of melanin in the skin. The extra melanin then causes dark spots on the surface of the skin. IPL Laser Skin Rejuvenation is an effective, non-invasive procedure for reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, also known as a photofacial, is a laser for pigmentation treatment that involves quick flashes of light penetrating the skin’s surface. This targets the melanin and breaks down the pigment within the skin. The pigmentation moves up to the skin’s surface and eventually flakes away as part of the body’s natural healing process.

Benefits of IPL Skin rejuvenation

  • Reverse the signs of sun damage – Aids in diminishing the appearance of brown spots, freckles, blotches and pigmentation on the face or body.

  • Refresh your appearance – Maintains youthful and even-looking skin through the removal of unwanted pigmentation.

  •  Safe and effective – Our highly trained and qualified technician will provide one of the most effective skin rejuvenation treatment, using up to date, approved medical grade machines.

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production

  • No downtime or recovery time is needed for the IPL laser treatment