Fraxel Dual Laser


What is Fraxel Dual Laser Treatment?

Fraxel Dual Laser is a non-invasive treatment that uses microscopic laser columns to result in a younger looking appearance. The laser treatment targets areas of the skin that are damaged by aging or sun, whereby it creates tiny columns of thermal destruction in the skin that then promote the growth of new skin cells. The laser treats small amounts of tissue at a time, leaving surrounding skin tissue intact, which promotes very rapid healing. Fraxel Dual treatment promotes the generation of new collagen in these targeted areas.

Fraxel laser treatment resurfaces the skin to help reverse the signs of aging, helping you to bring back that fresh, youthful glow to your skin. Depending on your skin issues, the amount of treatments that you will need will vary. The recovery time can also vary, however it will usually take between 3 and 7 days to recover from any redness or peeling that may be caused by the treatment.

Benefits of Fraxel Dual Laser Treatment

  • Improves tone, texture and radiance

  • Reduces the signs of aging, sun damaged or scarred skin

  • Addresses skin concerns such as pigmentation, tone and large pores

  • Smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin

  • Reduction of unwanted brown spots

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes

  • Improves appearance of acne scars and surgical scars